An incident becomes critical when it constitutes a serious disruption arising with little or no warning on a scale beyond the coping capacity of an organization operating under normal conditions, and requires the assistance of emergency services and/or others. Many times this is due to death or serious injury arising through natural disaster or interpersonal violence. The incident or event may be unanticipated, imminent or in progress. It may occur on site, in a surrounding area, or anywhere off site that your personnel operate. Our ultimate goal is to help you develop a proactive approach to prevent these incidents from happening in the first place. However, if a critical incident does arise, planning ahead will allow you to stop the problem, take safe control, mitigate any associated risks, and get back to business as quickly as possible.
Communications are vital in critical incident management. The processes of systematically analyzing a rapidly evolving situation and developing relevant information can be useless without an effective way to disseminate it. When seconds count, having an efficient communications plan and practicing that plan can be life-saving. Emergency notification systems, dispatch protocols, command notification, and resource coordination all converge in this arena.
While we always prepare and train to win, the reality is that sometimes bad things happen. We identify organization recovery principles and best practices to help your organization resume normal operations in the most effective and efficient manner possible.
Critical incidents place enormous amounts of stress on an organization and often times if you don’t manage stress, the stress will manage you. We identify and teach battle proven stress management strategies utilized by military and law enforcement special operations around the world.
Communicating your message during a critical incident can easily be drowned out especially in today’s world of the 24 hours news cycle and vast reach of social media. We identify media survival strategies to improve upon your abilities during the midst of a critical incident and also during recovery operations. We include lecture and practical application with “on-camera” time and video feedback.
Every critical incident that occurs is a chance for your organization to capture and memorialize the “lessons learned” in order to improve future performance. However, many times organizations fail to implement effective strategies to capture crucial data. We introduce participants to the Cognitive Debrief and cover best practices for documenting lessons learned.